Why The Personal Touch Matters
Posted by Jen Anderson on

Last week I talked about personal shoppers and how they can help you find the clothes that are just right for you. They don't just shove a bunch of clothes into your arms and march you off to a dressing room. Personal shoppers are familiar with all the clothes in the store, so they know which pieces are destined to be your new favorites. The personal touch can make clothes shopping a delight.
I also mentioned that we have in-house consultants to help you. But our personal touch goes beyond that.
If you call us with an order or a question, you're not going to get a customer service rep referring to a script. In fact, you're likely to speak with someone who can actually make decisions around here. So when you mention your favorite color or style, the right people will know about it. Not that we create entire collections based on a singular request, but we do want to give the people what they want.
We have an advantage over other retailers because of the Classics. When you produce the same classic pieces in the same fabric for years, you really get to know them. You know everything there is to know about how to care for them, how to mix and match them, and how the sizing works.
That's not to say we don't know much about our non-classics. If you think we don't all fuss over each new batch of novelty jackets, sheer toppers, and tunics you don't know us very well.
There's a difference between fashion and style. Fashion is what designers offer and style is what you choose to wear. Have you ever looked at a top or a dress and wondered what on earth the designer was thinking? And how did they convince the store's buyer that their customers would flip for it? That's fashion.
Because we have such a personal connection with our customers, we'd never push something that you're not going to love. Not every piece may be to your specific taste. (I mean, have you ever discussed floral prints with a group of women? That conversation can get heated very quickly.) But we're not going to sell anything that makes you scream, "why is this a thing that exists?!" Giving you what you want is style.
The reason we've been able to form such a close relationship with our customers is Vikki Vi Classics. There are women who've been wearing Vikki Vi for decades (often the same exact pieces - these babies are made to last). Some women have an entire work wardrobe of Vikki VI Classics. These clothes inspire loyalty - because they're designed for style, not fashion. They're what you want, not what we feel like making.
How do we know Vikki Vi Loyalists exist? Our reviews. Check them out and consider leaving a review on your past purchases. They help Vikki Vi newbies get to know the clothes before buying. It's a way for you to connect with other customers.
Every piece in my closet is Vicky Vi and I have people ask me if I ever wear the same thing twice and that is because you can mix and match and no one is the wiser. Vikki Vi, don’t leave home withou it!