Upgrade Your Plus Size Office Cardigan If you have a desk, there's a good chance that you have a cardigan draped over the back of your desk chair. If you have an office, it might be on a hanger. It's black, maybe gray. It's not the prettiest piece of clothing you own, but when the office... Read more 6 Comments
How to Care For Your Vikki Vi Clothes We keep hearing from customers who are still wearing Vikki Vi pieces from the 90s. Which is 20+ years ago even though it seems like last week. Yet they don't look out of style because classics look good no matter what the latest trends are. But how on earth do... Read more 7 Comments
5 Things That Make Caring For Your Vikki VI Classics a Snap Some customers tell us they've been wearing the same Vikki Vi Classics for decades. Not the same styles - the same exact pair of pants. Others say, "they're great but get too long after a while." What's the difference? The annoying reality is that most of us don't know how... Read more 9 Comments
Vikki Vi Classics Stain Removal Test - The Exciting Results! As a plus size woman, I've given up putting a napkin on my lap. If I drip or spill anything, it's not going to make it that far. My chest catches everything. At home, I'll wear an apron and at restaurants I'll keep my napkin on the table so I... Read more 9 Comments
The Difference Between Knit Fabric and Woven Why should you care about this? The more you understand clothing, the more you'll be able to enjoy your wardrobe. We've spoken a lot about different styles and how they might work with or against your body's natural shape. Fabric type will let you know how a garment will drape, and how... Read more 1 Comment
In Praise of Buying Multiples We've all done it. You find a top that you like, looks good on you, and fits well. And so you buy it in three colors. Victory! And then some clueless spouse or coworker insinuates that it's a bad thing to own three of the same shirt. They are super... Read more 1 Comment